
Whether you’re starting to work with flower essences on your own or were introduced to them by a practitioner, congratulations on finding your way to this powerful medicine! Since flower essences are unlike any other herbal products, it can be confusing to know how and when to use them in your daily life. So here are some of our favorite ways to consistently incorporate flower essences into your world for transformational shifts. 

  1. Take several drops, several times daily. Since you’re dosing yourself from a diluted stock bottle, you can drop the flower essence directly under your tongue. The recommended dose is 4 drops up to 4 times a day.
  2. Drop into water. Add 4 drops to a glass of water (but be sure to keep it covered!) or add your full daily dose (16 drops) into your water bottle and sip on this throughout your day.
  3. Mist. Place 4-16 drops of your stock essence in a clean spray top bottle, fill the remainder with water and shake to activate. Mist around your face, lips, and immediate environment several times daily. 
  4. Add to baths. Incorporate 20-30 drops of your stock bottle into your bath water, stirring the water in a figure-eight motion for one minute in each direction to activate. While soaking, pray, sing, meditate, or listen to music that aligns with your healing intention.
  5. Apply topically. Pat a few drops of your flower essence directly onto specific part(s) of your body or chakras that may be registering the pain or dysfunction you’re aiming to heal. 
  6. Mix into cream, lotion, or massage oil: Add 6-10 drops of your flower essence to 1 oz of product. Massage thoughtfully and intentionally into your skin.

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