
Did you know there are actually 4 different types of PCOS?

  • Insulin-resistant PCOS, which is by far the most common as 70% of women with PCOS have it
  • Adrenal PCOS
  • Post-birth control PCOS (also called post-pill PCOS)
  • PCOS inflammatory, which is often autoimmune in origin and may start with something like Hashimoto’s

Common strategies for insulin-resistant PCOS management, the most common type, include:

  • eat a balanced breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up
  • plan ahead so you don’t skip meals, especially when stressed
  • eat protein throughout the day to keep blood sugar stable
  • include a balance of fat, protein, and carbs in each meal and snack so you’re not eating carbs alone
  • furthermore, choose complex carbs like fruit, whole grains, and root vegetables over simple sugars
  • rather than restricting carbs all together or going full low-carb (which may work for some, if used therapeutically for a short period of time to resensitize cells to insulin), choose complex carbohydrate-rich foods that also contain a healthy serving of fiber, like beans
  • vinegar before meals, either diluted in water or in a salad (try our Glucobitters for extra herbal power)
  • utilize insulin-sensitizing botanicals like gymnema, fenugreek, bitter melon, and cinnamon
  • optimize magnesium, Vitamin D and omega 3 levels
  • lower androgens via stress management and botanicals where appropriate such as saw palmetto, nettle root
  • drink ginger tea, as ginger and cinnamon ALONE have been shown in studies to support FSH & LH levels in women with PCOS
  • nourish mitochondrial function through nutrients like CoQ10 and L-Carnitine
  • eat consistently throughout the day to avoid dips
  • expose your eyes to natural light outside without a window or glass blocking the rays as soon as you wake up and as frequently as possible throughout the day
  • castor oil packs for liver support
  • be mindful of portion size, as practicing portion control alone can help reduce insulin resistance
  • exercise regularly, such as walking for 30 minutes daily (taking walking breaks for more consistent activity can be immensely beneficial even if it’s 10-15 mins here and there)
  • get up and walk around every 1-2 hours when working from home to break up long periods of sitting
  • build muscle mass with resistance training
  • increase soluble fiber intake, especially pressure-cooked beans and colorful veggies
  • avoid high fructose corn syrup as this can contribute to fatty liver and insulin resistance
  • balance your gut microbiome, as a disruption in the bacterial and fungal balance in your gut can cause systemic inflammation that exacerbates insulin resistance
  • Incorporate probiotics and probiotic-rich foods
  • increase omega-3 intake
  • drink green tea instead of coffee if tolerated

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